Teno Chat

AI Assistant

Teno Chat

Intelligent Discord Bot for Meetings and More

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About Teno Chat

The intelligent, easy-to-use, and versatile Discord bot, Teno Chat, revolutionizes the way you handle meetings and interactions on Discord. Seamlessly integrating with your existing Discord setup, Teno understands your meetings, performs tasks, and promptly answers questions, making it the ultimate virtual assistant for your digital workspace. One of the standout features of Teno Chat is its effortless usability. Whether you're organizing a team meeting, planning a casual get-together, or managing a community, Teno's suite of intuitive commands and its ability to respond to natural language queries ensure that you can focus on the conversation without getting bogged down by technical hassles. Simply ask Teno to join a voice channel, transcribe discussions, or even interact through its website interface, which allows you to manage and review past meetings efficiently. More than just a meeting assistant, Teno Chat fits seamlessly into your daily Discord interactions. Its ability to sync with various Discord channels and tools, combined with customizable personas and voice modes, allows for tailored experiences that cater to any specific needs. Automate your routine tasks, streamline communication across different channels, and elevate your overall productivity with Teno – the intelligent Discord bot designed for ease and efficiency.

Key Features

  • Intelligent meeting transcription
  • Easy-to-use commands
  • Ephemeral message responses
  • Persona creation and customization
  • Voice response management
  • Channel synchronization
  • Automated meeting messages
  • Lockable meeting transcripts
  • Integration with other Discord apps
  • Website interface for meeting interaction


Discord botmeetingstranscriptionsvoice responderpersona creationintegrations


What is Teno?
Teno is an intelligent Discord bot designed to assist with meetings and general interactions on Discord.
How do I invite Teno to a voice channel?
Use the /join command to invite Teno to your voice channel. Teno will leave automatically when all participants exit or when you use the /leave command.
Can Teno transcribe meetings?
Yes, Teno can transcribe meetings and provide transcripts, which can be locked or unlocked by the meeting initiator.
What commands can I use with Teno during a meeting?
During a meeting, you can use commands like /mute, /unmute, and /remove-me to control Teno’s transcription of your speech and manage the meeting details.
How does Teno handle meeting questions?
You can ask Teno about the current or past meetings using the /ask and /ask-past commands. Responses are provided as ephemeral messages that you can post in the text channel.
Can I create a persona for Teno?
Yes, you can use the /persona-on command to create a persona for Teno by inputting a name and personality.
How do I sync Teno with specific channels?
Use commands like /sync-tool-channel, /sync-feed-channel, and /sync-user-response-channel to sync Teno’s voice responder with specific Discord channels.
Is it possible to prevent Teno from going to sleep?
Yes, use the ‘never sleep’ button under the meeting message to keep Teno active during a meeting.
How can I interact with meeting data on Teno’s website?
Log in to Teno’s website using your Discord account to access and interact with your past meetings, open chat interfaces, and delete meeting records.
What should I do if I want to lock or unlock a meeting transcript?
If you initiated the meeting, use the /unlock command to unlock the transcript for others to ask questions, and the /lock command to lock it again.