AI Detection

Advanced AI Detection and Writing Enhancement Tools for Professionals
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About GPTZero
Images showing different features and capabilities of GPTZero
Key Features
- Origin Chrome Extension to scan AI content
- Human Writing Report for authenticity in Google Docs
- API for seamless integration
- Canvas and Microsoft Word Add-ons
- Comprehensive Plagiarism Checker
- Advanced AI Deep Scan in Premium plans
- Multilingual AI detection
- Military-grade security
- Shared team credits with unified billing
- Enterprise-grade security features
teachersstudentswritersrecruiterscybersecurityML engineersAI detectionwriting enhancementdefense toolschrome extensiongoogle docsAPIintegrationcanvasMicrosoft Wordplagiarism checkereducational articlespress releasesguidespricing plansannual billingteam creditsadvanced AI scanmilitary-grade security
What is GPTZero?
GPTZero is a premium AI detection tool that identifies whether text was written by a large language model like ChatGPT. It has been used by over 2.5 million users and integrates with various educational and professional tools.
How does GPTZero work?
Users can paste or upload their text and receive an overall AI detection report. The platform highlights sentences suspected to be AI-generated and offers detailed explanations for results.
What are the pricing plans?
GPTZero offers several pricing plans: Essential at $10/month, Premium at $16/month, and Professional at $23/month. All plans have annual billing options for additional savings.
What features are included in the Premium plan?
The Premium plan includes advanced AI models, AI Deep Scan, multilingual detection, and military-grade data security among other features.
How can organizations use GPTZero for Teams?
Organizations can purchase multiple plans, share team credits, and benefit from unified billing through GPTZero for Teams, which includes all Premium plan features.
What integrations does GPTZero offer?
GPTZero integrates with Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Canvas, Blackboard, and other educational platforms, ensuring seamless use across multiple environments.
How secure is GPTZero?
GPTZero offers military-grade security features, including SOC-2 certification, data encryption, and secured cloud storage to ensure user data safety.
What is the AI Deep Scan tool?
Part of the Premium plan, the AI Deep Scan tool provides a comprehensive analysis of both AI-generated and human text, offering detailed statistical insights.
Can GPTZero detect text from various AI models?
Yes, GPTZero can identify text generated not only by ChatGPT but also by other models like GPT-4, GPT-3, GPT-2, and LLaMA.
What resources does GPTZero offer?
GPTZero provides an array of resources including educational articles, press releases, teacher guides, and support articles to help users maximize the platform's benefits.