


Simplify Web Development with ITS DART's Versatile Templates

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About Dart

Dart is a design toolkit that provides a versatile and customized selection of CSS styles tailored for modern web development. These range from general styles that ensure content does not overflow with a `.page-wrapper` class, to advanced display properties for handling pointer events and focus states, enhancing user interaction and accessibility. Additionally, Dart addresses layout requirements with classes ensuring containers are always centered, divs maintain a 1:1 aspect ratio, and elements are hidden or shown based on device breakpoints. For typographic needs, Dart includes classes for managing rich text margins, truncating text to specific lines with ellipses, and resetting margins and paddings. Dart also offers special utilities like removing native scrollbars with the `.no-scrollbar` class, and customizing pricing plan displays with distinct gradient backgrounds and border styles for featured plans. Its global utility classes for resetting and cleaning margins and paddings are invaluable for maintaining design consistency. Dart ensures all elements can inherit color and typography styles from their parents, offering flexibility in design. By providing a comprehensive suite of classes, Dart streamlines the process of creating visually appealing and user-friendly web pages, making it a valuable tool for developers aiming to elevate their web design projects.

Key Features

  • Overflow control with .page-wrapper
  • Pointer event regulation with .pointer-events-off and .pointer-events-on
  • Square dimension support with .div-square
  • Element visibility management with hide classes
  • Scrollbar removal with .no-scrollbar
  • Customizable pricing plan styles
  • Container alignment tools
  • Margin and padding utilities
  • Text overflow handling
  • Typography style inheritance


web developmenttemplate systemoverflow controlpointer event regulationdimensionselement visibilityscrollbarpricing plan stylescontainer alignmentmargin resetpaddingtext overflowtypographyflex displaysglobal padding


What are the primary features of ITS DART templates?
ITS DART templates offer overflow control, pointer event regulation, square dimension support, element visibility management, scrollbar removal, customizable pricing plan styles, and more.
How can I manage container alignment with ITS DART templates?
Use the .container-medium, .container-small, and .container-large classes, which ensure containers are centered by setting margins to auto.
Can I customize pricing plans in ITS DART templates?
Yes, the .pricing24_plan class defines standard pricing styles, while the .featured class allows for more emphasis with radial gradients.
What options are available for handling text overflow?
ITS DART templates include .text-style-3lines, .text-style-2lines, and .truncate-width classes to manage text overflow with ellipses.
Does ITS DART support pointer event control?
Yes, use the .pointer-events-off class to disable interactions and the .pointer-events-on class to enable them.
How can I ensure elements are hidden on specific devices?
Use hide classes such as .hide, .hide-tablet, .hide-mobile-landscape, and .hide-mobile to hide elements at various breakpoints.
Can ITS DART templates handle scrollbar removal?
Yes, the .no-scrollbar class can be used to remove native scrollbars and enhance the design aesthetic.
What margin and padding adjustment utilities are available?
ITS DART provides a range of margin and padding utility classes, such as .margin-0, .padding-0, .spacing-clean, and more.
How are focus states styled in ITS DART templates?
Focusable elements and file inputs receive a solid outline with an offset using the focus-visible styles, enhancing visibility.
How does ITS DART ensure typography style consistency?
With the inherit-color and commented-out inheritance styles, ITS DART enables typography styles to be inherited from parent elements.