AI SuitUp

Website Builder

AI SuitUp

Enhance Your Web Design with AI Suit Up's Comprehensive CSS Utility Classes

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About AI SuitUp

A groundbreaking product that combines fashion and technology to upgrade your wardrobe with intelligent clothing. Enhance your daily style with clothes that adapt to your personal preferences and activity levels!

Key Features

  • Color inheritance for nested elements
  • Rich text margin adjustments
  • Pointer events control classes
  • 1:1 aspect ratio maintenance for divs
  • Central alignment for container elements
  • Multi-line and single-line text truncation
  • Inline-flex display class
  • Hide element classes for responsive design
  • Zero margin and padding utility classes
  • Scrollbar removal
  • Gradient text effects


CSSutility classesstyling techniquesweb designuser experiencecolor inheritancemargin adjustmentspointer event controlaspect ratioscontainer alignmenttext truncationinline flex displayhiding elementsconsistent designflexible designaccessible design


What is the purpose of the .inherit-color class?
The .inherit-color class ensures that all nested elements inherit the color of their parent element.
How do the rich text element margin adjustments work?
They remove the top margin of the first child and the bottom margin of the last child within any rich text element.
What are pointer events control classes used for?
These classes enable or disable pointer events, allowing control over element interactions via clicking or hovering.
How does the .div-square class work?
The .div-square::after class ensures a div maintains a 1:1 aspect ratio by using padding to create a square.
What do the container alignment classes do?
The container alignment classes ensure that medium, small, and large containers are always centrally aligned on the page.
What are the different text truncation classes?
Text truncation classes include .text-style-3lines, .text-style-2lines, and .truncate-width for truncating text after a specified number of lines or at 100% width.
How can I hide elements using AI Suit Up's classes?
You can use classes like .hide, .hide-tablet, .hide-mobile-landscape, and .hide-mobile to hide elements based on screen width breakpoints.
What does the .display-inlineflex class do?
The .display-inlineflex class sets elements to use inline-flex display, allowing flexible box layouts within inline flow.
How is scrollbar removal achieved?
Scrollbar removal is achieved with the .no-scrollbar class which hides native scrollbars for an element.
What are the gradient text classes?
The gradient text classes, such as .is-text-gradient and .navbar1_link:hover, apply linear gradient effects to text.